2025. február 18. | Bernadett napja.


Our best, most unique and most important articles are costantly being translated to English. Here we provide a small and well sorted selection of our articles to the international crowd.

„Hands Up” music celebrates its 20th anniversary. Let’s revive the hottest...

In 2002, a new genre was born. Incorporating elements from the earlier Hard Trance & Dancecore, taking vocals and catchy tunes from Eurodance & Happy Hardcore, this...

Hardbeats Podcast – monthly underground techno music mix, exclusively at Revolife!

When I announced the launch of Happy People Podcast, I mentined that it will have a sister show where underground hard beats will be presented to you...

These cat mask servers unify the two worst phenomena on the...

Nowadays the worst media products spreading through the internet are the cute cat videos and news propagating the importance of mask wearing. Who knew that by combining...

Happy People podcast – Cheerful monthly dance music mix, exclusively at...

When I came out with the idea of Revolife in early 2017, I already knew that it has to be more than simply another boring lifestyle magazine....

Why you should come to visit Hungary this year

There’s hardly any better place to visit this year than Hungary. Below are all the exact reasons why. Our country is rather safe First some rather boring, but still...

What you should know about the smallpox / monkeypox epidemic

I wrote a very long and detailed article in Hungarian in november 2021 about the possible re-emergence of the long forgotten smallpox virus. As the world is...

Here’s a list of countries where healthy, unvaccinated people are allowed...

Although most of the world is still suffering under the fetters of COVID-oppression, a lot of forward thinking and freedom loving countries have finally removed their insane...

Please donate to support our work!

Jump directly to the donation section While Revolife is a Hungarian website, and >95% of our content is in Hungarian, we also maintain a smaller English section, where...

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